
Month: November 2013

  • Posted on November 14, 2013

    How to transition farms and farmland from existing farmers to the new generation of farmers is a challenge facing all who work in agriculture. It is often the case that the children of current farmers do not want to take over the family farm. But there are many beginning farmers who do want to farm, […]

  • Posted on November 7, 2013

    This video highlights some of the obstacles immigrant farmers face, and FLAG’s work to help them overcome those obstacles. The work illustrated in this video was made possible by the Northwest Area Foundation and the Legal Services Advisory Commission.  FLAG 2013 Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Award Video

Farmers' Legal Action Group is a nonprofit law center dedicated to providing legal services and support to family farmers and their communities in order to help keep family farmers on the land.

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                    [post_content] => How to transition farms and farmland from existing farmers to the new generation of farmers is a challenge facing all who work in agriculture. It is often the case that the children of current farmers do not want to take over the family farm. But there are many beginning farmers who do want to farm, and among their many needs is secure and fair access to farmland. A group of partners—led by Land Stewardship Project and Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture and guided by a steering committee that included FLAG—put together a valuable Farm Transitions Toolkit. The Toolkit is full of practical advice and guidance, and includes two FLAG Fact Sheets:
	<li><a title="FAQs on Contracts for Deed in Minnesota" href="" target="_blank">Frequently Asked Questions on Contracts for Deed in Minnesota</a></li>
	<li><a title="FAQs on Sustainable &amp; Long-Term Leases in Minnesota" href="" target="_blank">Frequently Asked Questions on Sustainable &amp; Long-Term Leases in Minnesota</a></li>
This <i>Farm Transitions Toolkit</i> was developed through a collaborative project involving <a title="LSP Farmland Transitions Toolkit" href="" target="_blank">Land Stewardship Project</a>, <a title="MISA" href="" target="_blank">Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture</a>, <a title="FLAG" href="" target="_blank">Farmers' Legal Action Group</a> and <a title="ATTRA" href="" target="_blank">ATTRA</a>. Its development was guided by individuals representing a number of organizations. This project was supported by the <a title="USDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Program" href="" target="_blank">Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program</a> of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA, Grant # 2010-03107. To find more resources and programs for beginning farmers and ranchers, visit <a title="USDA Start2Farm" href="" target="_blank"></a>, a component of the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program.

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                    [post_date] => 2013-11-07 12:55:24
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2013-11-07 18:55:24
                    [post_content] => This video highlights some of the obstacles immigrant farmers face, and FLAG’s work to help them overcome those obstacles. The work illustrated in this video was made possible by the Northwest Area Foundation and the Legal Services Advisory Commission.

<a href=""> <a href="">FLAG 2013 Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Award Video</a></a>
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            [post_date] => 2013-11-14 13:06:33
            [post_date_gmt] => 2013-11-14 19:06:33
            [post_content] => How to transition farms and farmland from existing farmers to the new generation of farmers is a challenge facing all who work in agriculture. It is often the case that the children of current farmers do not want to take over the family farm. But there are many beginning farmers who do want to farm, and among their many needs is secure and fair access to farmland. A group of partners—led by Land Stewardship Project and Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture and guided by a steering committee that included FLAG—put together a valuable Farm Transitions Toolkit. The Toolkit is full of practical advice and guidance, and includes two FLAG Fact Sheets:
	<li><a title="FAQs on Contracts for Deed in Minnesota" href="" target="_blank">Frequently Asked Questions on Contracts for Deed in Minnesota</a></li>
	<li><a title="FAQs on Sustainable &amp; Long-Term Leases in Minnesota" href="" target="_blank">Frequently Asked Questions on Sustainable &amp; Long-Term Leases in Minnesota</a></li>
This <i>Farm Transitions Toolkit</i> was developed through a collaborative project involving <a title="LSP Farmland Transitions Toolkit" href="" target="_blank">Land Stewardship Project</a>, <a title="MISA" href="" target="_blank">Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture</a>, <a title="FLAG" href="" target="_blank">Farmers' Legal Action Group</a> and <a title="ATTRA" href="" target="_blank">ATTRA</a>. Its development was guided by individuals representing a number of organizations. This project was supported by the <a title="USDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Program" href="" target="_blank">Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program</a> of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA, Grant # 2010-03107. To find more resources and programs for beginning farmers and ranchers, visit <a title="USDA Start2Farm" href="" target="_blank"></a>, a component of the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program.

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