Debug Report
adding infinite scroll support [functions.php>flag_infinite_scroll_init>50]
image 1252 ID
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[name] => eat-well-do-good-at-restaurant-alma-in-minneapolis
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[ID] => 1670
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2014-12-04 16:40:00
[post_date_gmt] => 2014-12-04 22:40:00
[post_content] => <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-1669"><img class="alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-1669" src="" alt="Alma logo" width="150" height="116" /></a>Much to our delight, <a title="Restaurant Alma - Minneapolis" href="" target="_blank">Restaurant Alma</a> in Minneapolis will be raising money for FLAG all through December when patrons order from its acclaimed <a title="Tasting Menu - Restaurant Alma" href="" target="_blank">Tasting Menu</a>. Through New Year's Eve, $1 of every Tasting Menu purchase will be donated to FLAG. To learn more about the acclaimed <a title="Restaurant Alma - About us" href="" target="_blank">Restaurant Alma</a>--its history, its staff, and its commitment to local food sourcing in the Twin Cities area--please visit their <a title="Restaurant Alma" href="" target="_blank">website</a> AND make your December <a title="Restaurant Alma - reservations" href="" target="_blank">reservations</a> now for a delicious meal from their Tasting Menu. You can help <a title="Restaurant Alma - Tasting menu" href="" target="_blank">Restaurant Alma</a> support local family farmers and FLAG!
[post_title] => Eat Well - Do Good at Restaurant Alma in Minneapolis
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => closed
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[post_password] =>
[post_name] => eat-well-do-good-at-restaurant-alma-in-minneapolis
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[post_modified] => 2015-08-24 10:43:32
[post_modified_gmt] => 2015-08-24 15:43:32
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[request] => SELECT wpowc_posts.*
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( YEAR( wpowc_posts.post_date ) = 2014 AND MONTH( wpowc_posts.post_date ) = 12 )
) AND wpowc_posts.post_name = 'eat-well-do-good-at-restaurant-alma-in-minneapolis' AND wpowc_posts.post_type = 'post'
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[0] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 1670
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2014-12-04 16:40:00
[post_date_gmt] => 2014-12-04 22:40:00
[post_content] => <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-1669"><img class="alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-1669" src="" alt="Alma logo" width="150" height="116" /></a>Much to our delight, <a title="Restaurant Alma - Minneapolis" href="" target="_blank">Restaurant Alma</a> in Minneapolis will be raising money for FLAG all through December when patrons order from its acclaimed <a title="Tasting Menu - Restaurant Alma" href="" target="_blank">Tasting Menu</a>. Through New Year's Eve, $1 of every Tasting Menu purchase will be donated to FLAG. To learn more about the acclaimed <a title="Restaurant Alma - About us" href="" target="_blank">Restaurant Alma</a>--its history, its staff, and its commitment to local food sourcing in the Twin Cities area--please visit their <a title="Restaurant Alma" href="" target="_blank">website</a> AND make your December <a title="Restaurant Alma - reservations" href="" target="_blank">reservations</a> now for a delicious meal from their Tasting Menu. You can help <a title="Restaurant Alma - Tasting menu" href="" target="_blank">Restaurant Alma</a> support local family farmers and FLAG!
[post_title] => Eat Well - Do Good at Restaurant Alma in Minneapolis
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => closed
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[post_password] =>
[post_name] => eat-well-do-good-at-restaurant-alma-in-minneapolis
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[post_modified] => 2015-08-24 10:43:32
[post_modified_gmt] => 2015-08-24 15:43:32
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[ID] => 1670
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2014-12-04 16:40:00
[post_date_gmt] => 2014-12-04 22:40:00
[post_content] => <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-1669"><img class="alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-1669" src="" alt="Alma logo" width="150" height="116" /></a>Much to our delight, <a title="Restaurant Alma - Minneapolis" href="" target="_blank">Restaurant Alma</a> in Minneapolis will be raising money for FLAG all through December when patrons order from its acclaimed <a title="Tasting Menu - Restaurant Alma" href="" target="_blank">Tasting Menu</a>. Through New Year's Eve, $1 of every Tasting Menu purchase will be donated to FLAG. To learn more about the acclaimed <a title="Restaurant Alma - About us" href="" target="_blank">Restaurant Alma</a>--its history, its staff, and its commitment to local food sourcing in the Twin Cities area--please visit their <a title="Restaurant Alma" href="" target="_blank">website</a> AND make your December <a title="Restaurant Alma - reservations" href="" target="_blank">reservations</a> now for a delicious meal from their Tasting Menu. You can help <a title="Restaurant Alma - Tasting menu" href="" target="_blank">Restaurant Alma</a> support local family farmers and FLAG!
[post_title] => Eat Well - Do Good at Restaurant Alma in Minneapolis
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => closed
[ping_status] => closed
[post_password] =>
[post_name] => eat-well-do-good-at-restaurant-alma-in-minneapolis
[to_ping] =>
[pinged] =>
[post_modified] => 2015-08-24 10:43:32
[post_modified_gmt] => 2015-08-24 15:43:32
[post_content_filtered] =>
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