Photo credit: Breakfast of Champions by arvindgrover on Flickr.

Eat Well – Do Good at Restaurant Alma in Minneapolis

Posted on December 4, 2014

Alma logoMuch to our delight, Restaurant Alma in Minneapolis will be raising money for FLAG all through December when patrons order from its acclaimed Tasting Menu. Through New Year’s Eve, $1 of every Tasting Menu purchase will be donated to FLAG. To learn more about the acclaimed Restaurant Alma–its history, its staff, and its commitment to local food sourcing in the Twin Cities area–please visit their website AND make your December reservations now for a delicious meal from their Tasting Menu. You can help Restaurant Alma support local family farmers and FLAG!



Farmers' Legal Action Group is a nonprofit law center dedicated to providing legal services and support to family farmers and their communities in order to help keep family farmers on the land.

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adding infinite scroll support [functions.php>flag_infinite_scroll_init>50]





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