Photo credit: Books by Abee5 on Flickr.
Farmers’ Guide to Organic Contracts
August 1, 2012

The Farmers’ Guide to Organic Contracts can assist farmers with all types of agricultural contracts, but the guide’s primary purpose is to serve farm operations certified as organic under U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Organic Program (NOP) regulations. Specific suggestions and information for certified organic operations are highlighted throughout the guide, which features a color-coded symbol system designed to enhance reader understanding.

Farmers can use the guide as a helpful reference tool to answer questions related to organic contracts. The guide’s main Table of Contents, Quick Organic Contract Checklist, and individual chapter tables of contents allow readers to easily find topics of interest. Furthermore, each chapter’s table of contents highlights some of the useful contract-related tips found throughout the guide.

Chapters of the book may be downloaded at no charge by clicking on the chapter titles on the left side of this page.  The charge for a black & white  bound version of this guide is $35 per book plus shipping, and the full-color edition costs $100 plus shipping. Orders can be placed by clicking here. Bound copies may also be ordered directly from Farmers’ Legal Action Group; please call 651-223-5400 or send an e-mail to

This project was supported by the Organic Agricultural Research and Extension Initiative (OREI) program of the USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA), Grant Number (2010-51300-21445).


* Citations located in the downloadable document