Photo credit: Books by Abee5 on Flickr.

Topic: Contracts

Contracts govern huge areas of farmers’ lives, whether the contracts are written or oral. FLAG has many resources for farmers regarding their rights and obligations under contracts, and provides the following services for farmers:

  • Educate farmers about their legal rights and protections
  • Help farmers understand their contracts before they sign them
  • Help farmers understand their rights and options if questions or disputes arise after they have signed their contract


Farmers’ Guide to Carbon Contracts now available (3/3/2025)
Farmers' Guide Carbon Market Contracts in Minnesota, First Edition January 2023 (1/11/2023)
CRP-TIP Fact Sheet (3/21/2016)
Using Leases to Meet Financial and Stewardship Goals (Video) (10/28/2015)
Leasing Farm Land in Minnesota (9/17/2014)
Using Leases to Meet Financial and Stewardship Goals (9/10/2014)
FAQs on Sustainable & Long-Term Leases in Minnesota (7/17/2014)
FAQs on Contracts for Deed in Minnesota (7/17/2014)
Farmers' Guide to Organic Contracts (8/1/2012)
Tools for Dairy Farmers in Tough Economic Times (11/1/2010)