Photo credit: Books by Abee5 on Flickr.

Topic: Estate Planning

The average age of farmers in the United States is 58 (as of 2012 ag census). Over the next decade, millions of acres of farmland will be transitioned to a new generation of farmers. Beginning and transitioning farmers need tools and information to creatively keep farmland in farming. FLAG can:

  • Help farmers think through their goals and options.
  • Help with documents such as long-term leases.
  • Make referrals to estate planning and tax experts.


Using Leases to Meet Financial and Stewardship Goals (9/10/2014)
Managing Debt to Prepare for Farm Transfer (1/10/2006)
Glossary of Estate Planning Terms (1/2/2006)

Debug Report


adding infinite scroll support [functions.php>flag_infinite_scroll_init>50]




image 1253 ID


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            [post_content] => For most family farmers, passing a successful farming operation on to the next generation is important for many reasons, including preserving a particular heritage and way of life. <em>Managing Debt to Prepare for a Farm Transfer</em> provides an introduction to key estate planning concepts for the family farmer, with an emphasis on planning for how a farm debt is handled after the farmer’s death. This booklet provides specific information for farmers who have direct loans from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency (FSA).
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Managing Debt to Prepare for Farm Transfer image:

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                    [post_content] => For most family farmers, passing a successful farming operation on to the next generation is important for many reasons, including preserving a particular heritage and way of life. <em>Managing Debt to Prepare for a Farm Transfer</em> provides an introduction to key estate planning concepts for the family farmer, with an emphasis on planning for how a farm debt is handled after the farmer’s death. This booklet provides specific information for farmers who have direct loans from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency (FSA).
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