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[ID] => 3734
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2024-12-10 15:41:41
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-12-10 21:41:41
[post_content] => FLAG has published a new guide entitled Farmers' Guide to County Committee Elections in the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA). The Guide explains the rules governing the election of FSA County Committee members. FSA County Committees exercise significant power over the delivery of FSA services at the county level. Therefore, the election of Committee members should be of great interest to all farmers and ranchers that participate in FSA programs.
Farmers, farm advocates, farm attorneys, and others are welcome to consult, download, print, or share the Guide for free.
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Farmers' Guide to County Committee Elections in the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA)</a>
[post_title] => Farmers' Guide to County Committee Elections in the USDA Farm Service Agency – December 2024
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => closed
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[post_name] => farmers-guide-to-county-committee-elections-in-the-usda-farm-service-agency-december-2024
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[post_modified] => 2024-12-10 15:41:41
[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-12-10 21:41:41
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[ID] => 3725
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2024-09-20 14:28:25
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-09-20 19:28:25
[post_content] => <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Professional Development Webinar Series </strong></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Helping Family Farmers Through Financial Distress and Disputes</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: center;">A free four-part series on Zoom
September 25-October 2, 2024</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">It is often said that credit is the lifeblood of farming. In general, many farmers borrow money in the spring to plant, tend, and harvest their crops. Farmers plan to repay their creditors toward the end of the year when they have received payments for their products. But, serious price, production, weather, pest, and other difficulties often occur and ultimately become credit problems, resulting in disputes between farmers and their lenders. Farmers’ understanding of how to access credit, know their legal rights, and handle financial disputes, can be the difference between getting through a bad year and losing the farm.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">For some farmers, such as those who are small, diversified, sustainable, organic, socially disadvantaged, or historically underserved, credit struggles and disputes can be especially difficult.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">Farmers’ Legal Action Group (FLAG) is offering a free four-part professional development Zoom series for agriculture professionals to help give them the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to help farmers in financial distress or in disputes with lenders.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">The fourth edition of FLAG’s <em>Farmers’ Guide to Minnesota Lending Law</em> was published on September 18, 2024 and is the basis for the upcoming professional development webinar series. That guide can be viewed or downloaded <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">FLAG Deputy Director and Senior Staff Attorney Stephen Carpenter, and FLAG Senior Staff Attorney Lindsay Kuehn, will present information on the following topics in Zoom webinars:</p>
<p style="text-align: left;"><strong>Overview of Minnesota Agricultural Lending Law</strong>
September 25, 2024, 12:00-1:00 PM
Register <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a> for September 25</p>
<p style="text-align: left;"><strong>Unsecured Farm Credit; Operating Loans</strong>
September 27, 2024, 12:00-1:00 PM
Register <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a> for September 27</p>
<p style="text-align: left;"><strong>Real Estate; Leases; Farmer-Lender Mediation</strong>
September 30, 2024, 12:00-1:00 PM
Register <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a> for September 30</p>
<p style="text-align: left;"><strong>New Farm Service Agency Farm Lending Rules; Discrimination in USDA Farm Lending Programs</strong>
October 2, 2024, 12:00-1:00 PM
Register <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a> for October 2</p>
[post_title] => Webinar Series: Helping Family Farmers Through Financial Distress and Disputes - September 25-October 2, 2024
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => closed
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[post_name] => flag-webinar-series-helping-family-farmers-through-financial-distress-and-disputes-september-25-october-2-2024
[to_ping] =>
[pinged] =>
[post_modified] => 2024-09-20 14:33:07
[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-09-20 19:33:07
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[2] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 3721
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2024-09-18 16:54:34
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-09-18 21:54:34
[post_content] => <p style="font-style: inherit;">The Fourth Edition of FLAG’s <em>Farmers’ Guide to Minnesota Lending Law</em> is out now. Farmers, farm advocates, farm attorneys, and others, please consult, download, print, or share the guide for free. If you have any legal questions about lending or credit as Minnesota farmers prepare for the 2024 harvest season and beyond, please do not hesitate to contact FLAG’s attorneys.</p>
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Farmers' Guide to MN Lending Law 4th Edition September 2024</a>
[post_title] => Farmers’ Guide to Minnesota Lending Law – 4th Edition
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => closed
[ping_status] => closed
[post_password] =>
[post_name] => farmers-guide-to-minnesota-lending-law-4th-edition
[to_ping] =>
[pinged] =>
[post_modified] => 2025-01-08 16:46:18
[post_modified_gmt] => 2025-01-08 22:46:18
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[3] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 3691
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2023-11-08 17:51:38
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-11-08 23:51:38
[post_content] => <strong>Now available in Spanish</strong> <strong>- Farmers' Guide to USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program (DFAP) Third Edition </strong>
Thanks to our partner Rural Coalition, we now have a Spanish translation of FLAG’s current comprehensive guide to DFAP.
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Spanish Farmers' Guide to USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program (DFAP)Third-Edition Nov 8-2023</a>
[post_title] => Spanish Farmers' Guide to USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program (DFAP)Third-Edition Nov 8-2023
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => closed
[ping_status] => closed
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[post_name] => spanish-farmers-guide-to-usda-discrimination-financial-assistance-program-dfapthird-edition-nov-8-2023
[to_ping] =>
[pinged] =>
[post_modified] => 2023-11-08 17:51:38
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-11-08 23:51:38
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[4] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 3677
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2023-09-29 13:09:04
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-09-29 18:09:04
[post_content] => On July 7, 2023, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that the USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program (DFAP) was open. FLAG has created a brief Guide and a longer Guide to this program. This third edition of the brief guide highlights two extended deadlines: Deadline for farmers to apply for the program is now January 13, 2024; and the deadline to request USDA documents as part of their applications is November 3rd, 2023. This edition of the Brief Farmers’ Guide replaces earlier Brief Farmers’ Guides that FLAG previously had on our website.
A more comprehensive Farmers’ Guide, which looks at the details of DFAP, is also available on FLAG’s website.
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Brief Farmers' Guide to USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program 3rd Edition 9-29-23</a>
[post_title] => Brief Farmers’ Guide to USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program (DFAP) Third Edition - Sept. 29, 2023
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => closed
[ping_status] => closed
[post_password] =>
[post_name] => brief-farmers-guide-to-usda-discrimination-financial-assistance-program-third-edition
[to_ping] =>
[pinged] =>
[post_modified] => 2023-09-29 13:11:13
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-09-29 18:11:13
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[5] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 3672
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2023-09-28 17:52:24
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-09-28 22:52:24
[post_content] => On July 7, 2023, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program (DFAP). The Program, which was created by Section 22007 of the Inflation Reduction Act, makes $2.2 billion available for “discrimination financial assistance” to farmers who can show that they experienced discrimination in USDA Farm Loan Programs. FLAG released a Brief Guide to DFAP on that same date.
Today we are releasing the Third Edition of the Farmers’ Guide to USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program. The first edition was published on August 27, 2023. The Second Edition was published on September 8, 2023. This Third Edition replaces the earlier Editions on our website.
One reason for a Third Edition is that on September 22, 2023, USDA announced that it was changing two important deadlines. First, USDA extended the Program Application deadline from October 31, 2023, to January 13, 2024. Second, USDA extended the deadline for farmers to ask for documents that USDA might have about the farmer from September 29, 2023, to November 3, 2023. This Third Edition of the Guide is updated to include those deadline changes.
This Edition of the Guide also includes a discussion of how the application process works and how decisions on Applications are made.
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Farmers' Guide to USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program (DFAP) Third Edition - Sept 28th 2023</a>
[post_title] => Farmers' Guide to USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program (DFAP) Third Edition – Sept. 28, 2023
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => closed
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[post_password] =>
[post_name] => farmers-guide-to-usda-discrimination-financial-assistance-program-dfap-third-edition-sept-28-2023
[to_ping] =>
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[post_modified] => 2023-11-30 18:04:29
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-12-01 00:04:29
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[6] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 3659
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2023-09-22 11:47:12
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-09-22 16:47:12
[post_content] => <p class="xparagraph" style="text-align: justify; vertical-align: baseline;"><span class="xnormaltextrun">The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced on September 22, 2023 that the deadline to apply for the Discrimination Financial Assistance Program </span>(DFAP) has been extended <span class="xnormaltextrun">to January 13, 2024, to give eligible farmers, ranchers and forest landowners more time to apply for assistance. The original deadline was October 31, 2023. </span><span class="xeop"> </span><span class="xnormaltextrun"><span style="color: black; background: white;">In addition to the application deadline change, </span>t<span style="color: black; background: white;">he deadline to request records from USDA’s Farm Service Agency</span> <span style="color: black; background: white;">for use in applications has been extended to Friday, Nov. 3, 2023. </span></span><span class="xeop"> </span></p>
<p class="xparagraph" style="text-align: justify; vertical-align: baseline;"><span class="xnormaltextrun"><span style="color: black;">On July 7, 2023, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program. The Program, which was created by Section 22007 of the Inflation Reduction Act, makes $2.2 billion available for “discrimination financial assistance” to farmers who can show that they experienced discrimination in USDA Farm Loan Programs. FLAG will be releasing revised Farmer Guides very soon. </span></span></p>
[post_title] => DFAP - Deadline Extended to January 13, 2024 for Farmers to Apply for Discrimination Financial Assistance Program
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[post_name] => dfap-deadlines-extended-to-january-13-2024-for-farmers-to-apply-for-discrimination-financial-assistance-program
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[post_modified] => 2023-09-22 12:05:24
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[7] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 3623
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2023-08-22 15:56:14
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-08-22 20:56:14
[post_content] => <strong>DEADLINES EXTENDED</strong>
DFAP application deadline: <strong><u>Jan. 13, 2024</u></strong>
USDA documents request deadline: <strong><u>Nov. 3, 2023</u></strong>
<strong>Guide update coming soon</strong>
<p class="xxmsonormal"><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; font-family: 'Georgia',serif; color: #010000; letter-spacing: .75pt; background: white;">On July 7, 2023, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that the USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program (DFAP) was open and FLAG created a brief Guide to this program. This brief Farmers’ Guide to USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance is a very short discussion of the Program. With thanks to our partners at the Rural Coalition, we now have a Spanish translation of this brief Guide. A more comprehensive Farmers’ Guide, that looks at the details of the program, is coming soon.</span></p>
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Deadlines Extended Spanish - Brief Farmers' Guide to USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program July 7-2023</a>
[post_title] => Deadlines Extended - FLAG’s Brief Guide to the USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program now available in Spanish
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => closed
[ping_status] => closed
[post_password] =>
[post_name] => flags-brief-guide-to-the-usda-discrimination-financial-assistance-program-now-available-in-spanish
[to_ping] =>
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[post_modified] => 2023-09-26 14:05:56
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-09-26 19:05:56
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[8] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 3609
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2023-05-31 15:55:01
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-05-31 20:55:01
[post_content] => This edition of a Farmers’ Guide to Emergency Relief Program, Phase 2, is current as of May 15, 2023. This Extended Deadline Edition was published on May 31, 2023, reflecting the extended ERP Phase 2 application deadline of July 14, 2023. No other changes were made at that time.
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Farmers' Guide to ERP Phase 2, Extended Deadline Edition - May 31-2023</a>
[post_title] => Farmers Guide to ERP Phase 2: Extended Deadline Edition - May 31, 2023
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[post_status] => publish
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[post_name] => farmers-guide-to-erp-phase-2-extended-deadline-edition-may-31-2023
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[post_modified] => 2023-05-31 15:55:44
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-05-31 20:55:44
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[9] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 3604
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2023-05-18 16:38:53
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-05-18 21:38:53
[post_content] => FLAG has just published a guide to Phase 2 of the FSA’s Emergency Relief Program (ERP). This program provides payments to farmers who suffered crop losses in calendar years 2020 and 2021. ERP provides relief in two phases. ERP Phase 2 is designed to provide assistance to diversified farms, direct marketers, and others that do not tend to benefit from most USDA disaster programs or federal crop insurance. The eligibility requirements and scope of assistance are different for each phase. ERP Phase 2 is intended to help farmers who experienced a decrease in revenue due to eligible crop losses that were caused by a disaster event. Enrollment in Phase 2 of ERP opened on January 23, 2023, and runs through June 2, 2023.
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Farmers' Guide to Emergency Relief Program Phase 2 - May 18-2023</a>
[post_title] => Farmers’ Guide to Phase 2 of the Emergency Relief Program (ERP)
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[post_name] => farmers-guide-to-phase-2-of-the-emergency-relief-program-erp
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[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-05-18 21:38:53
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[ID] => 3734
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2024-12-10 15:41:41
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-12-10 21:41:41
[post_content] => FLAG has published a new guide entitled Farmers' Guide to County Committee Elections in the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA). The Guide explains the rules governing the election of FSA County Committee members. FSA County Committees exercise significant power over the delivery of FSA services at the county level. Therefore, the election of Committee members should be of great interest to all farmers and ranchers that participate in FSA programs.
Farmers, farm advocates, farm attorneys, and others are welcome to consult, download, print, or share the Guide for free.
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Farmers' Guide to County Committee Elections in the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA)</a>
[post_title] => Farmers' Guide to County Committee Elections in the USDA Farm Service Agency – December 2024
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[post_name] => farmers-guide-to-county-committee-elections-in-the-usda-farm-service-agency-december-2024
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[HTTP_ACCEPT] => text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
[HTTP_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
[HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL] => no-cache
[HTTP_PRAGMA] => no-cache
[db_quota] => 1000
[db_user] => flaginc_org_5s5m
[db_host] =>
[database] => flaginc_org_5s5m
[UNIQUE_ID] => Z7rbtm70R8HhGuPJlvpsogAAAAM
[REDIRECT_db_quota] => 1000
[REDIRECT_db_user] => flaginc_org_5s5m
[REDIRECT_db_host] =>
[REDIRECT_database] => flaginc_org_5s5m